1. …..When
I was rebellious my mother and others would empty a can of water over me,
saying Shiva! Shiva! And then I was all right, always. Even now when I feel mischievous,
that word keeps me straight. (source:-The master I saw Him-by Sister Nivedita,
2. …..when
Swami Brhamananda arrived Swamiji (Swami Vivekananda) said, “raja, I don’t feel good today. I asked this ban gal (sarad
Chandra chakraborthy, discipleof swami vivekananda) to give me a massage, but
he did not do it well. So I have called you”. Immediately Maharaj began to
massage this time swamiji vigorously, like an expert, and continued for a
couple of hours. When the exhausted Brhamananda returned to his room, sharat
went to him and said “Maharaj, I have come to you to resolve my confusion. I
have heard that you are the spiritual son of the master, and I have seen how
much Swamiji respects you. I don’t understand why Swamiji asked you to give him
a massage”.at this Brhamananda said “what do you say?. Don’t you know he is the
Lord Shiva Himself.,….(udbodan, swami vivekananda century number ,p-262)
3. ……In
a few minutes He (Sri Ramakrishna) returned and said, “you rouge, I shall not
listen to any more, . mother says that I love you because I see the Lord in you
., and the day the day I no longer do so
, I shall not be able to bear even the sight of you “ …..(the life of swami
vivekananda by his eastern and western disciples 1 p-90
4. Swami Shivananda, beloved brother disciple of
swami vivekananda mentioned Swamiji as an avatar of lord Shiva in many times.
5. Swami
Chidbhavananda (known as vivekananda of south India) founder of sri Ramakrishna
tapovanam, disciple of mahapurush Swami
Shivananda (beloved brother disciple of
Swami Vivekananda) mentioned Swami Vivekananda as an avatar of lord shiva on
his book “cult VS culture”……
6. When
religion declines
"Shankar left this Advaita philosophy in the hills and
forests; while I have come to bring it out of those places and scatter it
broadcast before the work-a-day world and society. The lion-roar of Advaita
must resound in every hearth and home, in meadows and groves, over hills and
plains. Come all of you to my assistance, and set yourselves to
work...""...granted that you attain personal liberation by means of
the realization of the Advaita, but what matters it to the world? You must
liberate the whole universe before you leave this body. Then only you will be
established in the eternal Truth. Has that bliss any match...?"
"You will be established in the bliss of the Infinite, which is limitless like the skies. You will be struck dumb to find your presence everywhere in the world of soul and matter! You will feel the whole sentient and insentient world as your own self. Then you cannot help treating all with the same kindness as you show towards yourself. "-Vivekananda
"You will be established in the bliss of the Infinite, which is limitless like the skies. You will be struck dumb to find your presence everywhere in the world of soul and matter! You will feel the whole sentient and insentient world as your own self. Then you cannot help treating all with the same kindness as you show towards yourself. "-Vivekananda
"Before Vivekananda was born, his mother, like many
other pious Hindu mothers, had observed religious vows, fasted, and prayed so
that she might be blessed with a son who would do honor to the family. She
requested a relative who was living in Varanasi to offer special worship to the
Vireswara Siva of that holy place and seek His blessings; for Siva, the great
god of renunciation, dominated her thought. One night she dreamt that this
supreme Deity aroused Himself from His meditation and agreed to be born as her
son. When she woke she was filled with joy.
The mother, Bhuvaneswari Devi, accepted the child as a boon from Vireswara Siva and named him Vireswara. "
Swami Vivekananda was Shiva's avatar, no doubt.
The mother, Bhuvaneswari Devi, accepted the child as a boon from Vireswara Siva and named him Vireswara. "
Swami Vivekananda was Shiva's avatar, no doubt.
SWMIJI’S speech in California
“ Many times I have been in the jaws of death, starving, footsore, and weary; for days and days I had no food, and often could walk no farther; I would sink down under a tree, and life would seem to be ebbing away. I could not speak, I could scarcely think, but at last the mind reverted to the idea: "I have no fear or death; never was I born, never did I die; I never hunger or thirst. I am It! I am It! The whole of nature cannot crush me; it is my servant. Assert thy strength, thou Lord of lords and God of gods! Regain thy lost empire! Arise and walk and stop not!" And I would rise up, reinvigorated; and here I am today, living! Thus, whenever darkness comes, assert the reality and everything adverse must vanish. For after all, it is but a dream. Mountain-high though the difficulties appear, terrible and gloomy though all things seem, they are but Maya. Fear not, and it is banished. Crush it, and it vanishes. Stamp upon it, and it dies. ”
“ Many times I have been in the jaws of death, starving, footsore, and weary; for days and days I had no food, and often could walk no farther; I would sink down under a tree, and life would seem to be ebbing away. I could not speak, I could scarcely think, but at last the mind reverted to the idea: "I have no fear or death; never was I born, never did I die; I never hunger or thirst. I am It! I am It! The whole of nature cannot crush me; it is my servant. Assert thy strength, thou Lord of lords and God of gods! Regain thy lost empire! Arise and walk and stop not!" And I would rise up, reinvigorated; and here I am today, living! Thus, whenever darkness comes, assert the reality and everything adverse must vanish. For after all, it is but a dream. Mountain-high though the difficulties appear, terrible and gloomy though all things seem, they are but Maya. Fear not, and it is banished. Crush it, and it vanishes. Stamp upon it, and it dies. ”
None other than Siva can roar like
this , look back the past. Once
veerabhatra at dhaksha yagna sala and Mahaveer Hanuman at RavAn rajasaba roared
like this. If one can imagine to visualize
the scene and delivery of the speech as
from swami vivekananda then he easily understand his oneness with Lord Shiva .
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